
A choke hold is a technique that will make the enemy by pinching off the air supply and oxygen supply to the brain unable to fight or to force them to task. Choking techniques are practiced and applied in many martial arts, martial arts, self-defense and combat systems.

Different variants

Depending on how the strangulation is recognized, it leads to unpleasant aggravated respiratory activity or preventing breathing new air and blocks the blood supply to the brain causing the oxygen supply to the brain is impaired.


Chokes that lead block the trachea through the respiratory arrest to general lack of oxygen in the brain, the so-called Globalhypoxie, and Bewusstlosigkeita. After two to three minutes of oxygen loss of brain tissue starts to die after about ten minutes of brain death occurs. Sometimes, such a strangle also lead to a fracture of the larynx or of the hyoid bone.


A Arterienwürgegriff puts pressure on one or both carotid arteries and / or cervical nerve from, so that when regurgitated gives the impression that he would get no air. A well-set Arterienwürgegriff generally leads within 8 to 14 seconds to unconsciousness. When the handle is released, the Gewürgte usually occurs within 10 to 20 seconds to regain consciousness.

Self Defense / Martial Arts

In self- defense, it is important to bring the opponent to a position in which it is blocked in order then to put a strangle. In everyday life ( street fighting, assault ) it is advisable to choke the attacker with his own garments, such as with his shirt or jacket collar. Best choking techniques for everyday life provides the "Free Fight", here especially the " Guillotinechoke " or the " Headlock ". Here it is important to bring the attacker in a favorable position, ie in the bottom layer, or even to tear him from the state of battle with the stranglehold on the ground and to complete the strangulation there. If the opponent is powerless, you have to try to revive him. In martial arts, it is relatively difficult to put a stranglehold, because the approach from the rear. A strangulation is in self-defense, therefore in most cases a result of technology several other technologies.

  • Fighting technique