
Chondrocladia lampadiglobus

Chondrocladia is a genus of carnivorous sponges of the horn silica Cladorhizidae family, belonging to the mycalinen Poeciloscleriden. The previously synonymisierte with Chondrocladia Neocladia genus was described in 2008 as an independent genus, so that only a part of the species remaining in the genus Chondrocladia. 33 previously in species of the genus has been described, two other types are known, but not yet been described. Some species are so far known only in single copies ( Chondrocladia occulta ), so their assignment to the genus Chondrocladia is uncertain. Sponges of the genus Chondrocladia sitting on a stalk, which is anchored by a rhizoid underground. Sometimes has her ovoid body branches that end in balls. Fossils that can be attributed to this genus there since the Pleistocene. Since they were, however, found mainly in deep-sea habitats, they could since the Mesozoic exist because they have characteristic sclerites (also Microcricorhabden or Trochirhabden called ), which are known ancient Jurassic formations from 200 million years ago.


The sponges of the genus Chondrocladia were known to the public due to their carnivorous diet. This was first observed in a newly discovered species that was found during an expedition of the German research vessel Polarstern during the CeDAMar project. Carnivorous sponges use hooked sclerites to catch small crustaceans. This has been known since the discovery of Asbestopluma hypogea. This sponge was discovered in 1995 in the Mediterranean in coastal caves near the French town of La Ciotat. Meanwhile, the carnivore diet is considered in the family Cladorhizidae as common and typical. Members of the genus Chondrocladia have the typical sponges collar ciliated cells, but in a form that allows train inflatable, balloon-like structures that are used for capturing prey.


The species of the genus Chondrocladia:

  • Chondrocladia albatrossi tendal, 1973
  • Chondrocladia amphactis ( Schmidt, 1880)
  • Chondrocladia antarctica Hentschel, 1914
  • Chondrocladia arctica ( Hansen, 1885)
  • Chondrocladia arenifera Brøndsted, 1929
  • Chondrocladia asigmata Lévi, 1964
  • Chondrocladia burtoni tendal, 1973
  • Ridley & Dendy Chondrocladia clavata, 1886
  • Chondrocladia concrescens ( Schmidt, 1880)
  • Ridley & Dendy Chondrocladia crinita, 1886
  • Chondrocladia dichotoma Lévi, 1964
  • Boury - Esnault Chondrocladia fatimae & Van Beveren, 1982
  • Chondrocladia gigantea ( Hansen, 1885)
  • Chondrocladia gracilis Lévi, 1964
  • Chondrocladia guiteli Topsent, 1904
  • Chondrocladia koltuni Vacelet, 2006
  • Chondrocladia lampadiglobus Vacelet, 2006
  • Chondrocladia levii Cristobo, Urgorri & Ríos, 2005
  • Chondrocladia lyra Lee et al., 2012
  • Chondrocladia magna Tanita, 1965
  • Chondrocladia michaelsarsii Arnesen, 1920
  • Chondrocladia multi chela Lévi, 1964
  • Boury - Esnault Chondrocladia nani & Van Beveren, 1982
  • Chondrocladia nicolae Cristobo, Urgorri & Ríos, 2005
  • Chondrocladia nucleus ( Hansen, 1885)
  • Chondrocladia occulta
  • Chondrocladia pulvinata Lévi, 1964
  • Chondrocladia scolionema Lévi, 1964
  • Ridley & Dendy Chondrocladia stipitata, 1886
  • Chondrocladia vaceleti Cristobo, Urgorri & Ríos, 2005
  • Chondrocladia verticillata Topsent, 1920
  • Chondrocladia virgata Thomson, 1873 ( type species )
  • Chondrocladia yatsui Topsent, 1930

Pictures of Chondrocladia
