
Chongzuo ( Zhuang Cungzcoj, Chinese崇左/崇左, Pinyin Chóngzuǒ ) is a city in the southwest of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region in the People's Republic of China. In its vicinity is the fossil site Zhirendong.

Administrative Divisions

The prefecture-level city Chongzuo consists of a municipality, an independent city and five counties. These are:

  • Municipality Jiangzhou -江州区Jiangzhou Qū;
  • Pingxiang City -凭祥 市Pingxiang Shì;
  • Circle Ningming -宁明县Ningming Xiàn;
  • Circle Fusui -扶绥县Fusui Xiàn;
  • Circle Longzhou -龙州县Longzhou Xiàn;
  • Daxin county -大新 县Daxin Xiàn;
  • Circle Tiandeng -天等县Tiandeng Xiàn.