Choroid plexus cyst

As plexus cysts ( choroid plexus - cysts ) are referred to without own illness value in the range of the choroid plexus in the brain of an unborn child harmless cystic structures that are visible on one or both sides in an oval or round shape. The size is usually from 0.3 to 2 mm. Choroid plexus cysts are both unilocular (on a limited point ) and multilocular ( in several places ) before.


The human brain contains in its interior four chambers, called ventricles. In these chambers is a specially shaped venous plexus, the choroid plexus, the cerebrospinal fluid ( CSF).

Cysts are small, liquid-filled voids in the fabric. Usually cysts are completely harmless and do not have a disease value, ie they are not dangerous or harmful to humans. They occur in or on the various organs in the human body.


In about 1 to 2% of all antenatal ( prenatal ) ultrasound examinations during the second trimester of pregnancy ( second trimester ) are performed up to about the 28th week of pregnancy in the context of prenatal diagnosis, a Plexuszyste in the brain of the unborn baby is detected. Between the 16th and the 20th week of gestation smaller cystic changes in the choroid plexus are in percentage terms determine frequent than after the 20th week of pregnancy. Sometimes during an ultrasound examination, the posterior horn of the lateral ventricle of being confused with a Plexuszyste.


If are not explicitly determine other features, have isolated (as well as other so-called soft markers ) brought this Plexuszysten not have its own clinical significance, but are only statistically, with a slightly higher probability of a chromosome specificity in the unborn child in connecting.

At Plexuszysten this link refers specifically to the Edwards Syndrome (Trisomy 18 or Trisomy E) with an average probability of 1: 10,000 comparatively rarely occurs: 3000-1. In approximately 43% of all unborn with trisomy 18 can be found in the brain before birth a Plexuszyste.

In general, choroid plexus cysts are self-limiting and be according to current knowledge does not affect the health and pre-and postnatal physical and cognitive development of the child. Only nachgeburtlich could be observed in rare cases that choroid plexus cysts have caused an obstruction of the circulation of cerebrospinal fluid in the third ventricle of the brain, as a result it came to the formation of an internal hydrocephalus. Even small cysts in the foramen of Monro can thereby occlusivus have a two-sided but also unilateral hydrocephalus result. Appropriate prenatal observations are not yet available on this rare phenomenon.

Procedure after finding survey

Differential diagnosis Plexuszysten distinguished from subependymal cysts. These are often located at the junction of the core area in the telencephalon ( caudate nucleus ) to the diencephalon ( thalamus ) and are more common single-sided front.

After a diagnosis of Plexuszyste in the brain of a baby's organs of the child should be examined by ultrasound fine. Also, an echocardiogram of the heart is recommended. From invasive diagnosis ( chorionic villus sampling, amniocentesis, etc.) is not to be recommended in otherwise unremarkable findings, as the risks (eg, miscarriage ) are significantly higher than the merely by the presence of Plexuszyste conditional slightly higher chance of a chromosomal special feature of the baby.

If Plexuszysten still exist after the 28th week of pregnancy, they (bilateral ) are present on both sides or are particularly large and particularly if can be more physical information signs find that often occur in the unborn child with Edwards syndrome, a chromosomal analysis can after invasive diagnostics (eg chorionic villus sampling or amniocentesis ) are drawn after detailed consultation and education about the pros and cons, the risks and possible consequences into consideration.

Only through an invasive diagnostics can be a trisomy 18 diagnosed in children, with almost 100 percent certainty or exclude and expectant parents of a positive result can have an abortion or to prepare for the birth of a special child.
