Christian Bernreiter

Christian Bernreiter ( born April 7, 1964 in Straubing ) is since 1 May 2002, District Administrator of Deggendorf in Bavaria.


Bernreiter visited 1974 to 1983, the Robert Koch -Gymnasium in Deggendorf. He studied from 1983 to 1985 general mechanical engineering at the Technical University of Munich, from 1985 at the University of Applied Sciences Munich, specializing in structural steel and finished it in 1989 as Dipl. -Ing. (FH ) from. He then worked up to the local elections in 2002 in the family business as an independent contractor in steel construction.

He is a member of the CSU since 1999 county chairman since 1982.

In the local elections of 2002 it reached 59.2 % of the votes cast for the joint nomination of CSU / boy list. Bernreiter was re-elected at the municipal election held on 2 March 2008 for the CSU with 69.6 % of votes cast in the first ballot. When Bavarian Landkreistag he is a member of the Committee on Health and Social Affairs. Bernreiter was a member of the Twelfth Federal Assembly, the Horst Koehler elected as the new President on 23 May 2004. Even in the local elections on 16 March 2014 he was re-elected with 74.3 % of votes cast in the first ballot.

Bernreiter lives in Hengersberg, is married and has four children.


In December 2013, Christian Bernreiter was criticized because of its statement, " Everyone who is politically, religiously or otherwise persecuted in his country, must also be received in our [ ... ] but I maintain, and could prove that also mean that at least 90 percent, if not 99 percent, reports no such reason. " Bernreiter wanted to illustrate his displeasure that asylum seekers can not be returned to the Erstantragsland with an initial application in another EU country safe and then came to Germany illegally. Bavarian Interior Minister Joachim Herrmann confirmed Bern rider statement, because "usually " " one to two percent of asylum applications accepted under Article 16a of the Basic Law " would be about
