Christian Dürr

Christian Dürr ( born April 18, 1977 in Delmenhorst ) is a German politician ( FDP) and chairman of the FDP parliamentary group in the Lower Saxony state parliament.

After graduation in 1997 at the high school Ganderkesee studied 1998-2007 Economics at the University of Hannover. He has been married since 2012 and has one child.

Dürr was from 1998 to 2002 and deputy chairman from 2002 to 2003 Regional Chairman of the Young Liberals of Lower Saxony. Since April 2000 he has been a member of the State Executive of the FDP Lower Saxony and since October 2001 Member of the District Board of the FDP Oldenburg.

Since the state election in 2003, he has been a member of the Lower Saxony state parliament, where a member of the Environment Committee. On 17 February 2009, Dürr successor to Jörg Bode as Parliamentary Secretary of the FDP parliamentary group. On 27 October 2009 he followed in turn Bode and took over his previous role as FDP parliamentary group in the parliament of Lower Saxony. He remained in this task, even after the state election on January 20, 2013, because the top candidate and FDP chief Stefan Birkner, until then Lower Saxony Environment Minister, gave up the leadership of the FDP parliamentary group after the election.
