Christian Ernest of Stolberg-Wernigerode

Count Christian Ernst of Stolberg- Wernigerode ( born April 2, 1691 Gedern, † October 25, 1771 in Wernigerode ) was a German politician. He reigned from 1710 to 1771 on the standing since 1714 under the direct sovereignty of Brandenburg-Prussia county of Wernigerode in the Harz Mountains.


Christian Ernst is the 10th child of the second marriage of Count Ludwig Christian of Stolberg. His mother was the Duchess Christine of Mecklenburg- Güstrow, daughter of Gustav Adolf of Mecklenburg- Güstrow.

According to the father's will, dated January 23, 1699 he received after his death the county of Wernigerode, yet his uncle Count Ernst reigned over the Stolberg, the Hohenstein 's forest south of Benneckenstein and the claims on the pledged Office Elbingerode ( resin). After the death of his father in 1710, he joined under the guardianship of his mother 's heritage and called himself Count of Stolberg- Wernigerode. He moved the seat of government of Ilsenburg back to Wernigerode, whose castle he had renovated and expand structurally.

1714 of Stolberg- Wernigerode had a recess in the supremacy of Brandenburg-Prussia over the county of Wernigerode recognize Count Christian Ernst.

On May 21 In 1738 he issued a Primogeniturordnung, which provided for the succession only in the male line, and thus forbade future divisions of the county of Wernigerode.

By death of his brother Heinrich August 1748 he inherited the Frankish rule Schwarza.

Christian Ernst was a knight of the royal Prussian Black Eagle and the Royal Danish- order de l'union parfaite. From 1735 to 1745 he served as a privy councilor his cousin King Christian VI. helpful by Denmark services.

Under the reign of Count Christian Ernst, a building boom developed within the county of Wernigerode, so he had the pleasure garden in the French style remodel and construct the building an orangery. Furthermore, the construction of the later so-called clouds cottage it is owed on the Brocken.


Since March 31, 1712 was with Sophie Charlotte Countess of Leiningen - Westerburg (* February 22, 1695, † December 10, 1762 ) married. She was the daughter of Johann Anton Graf zu Leiningen- Westerburg in gunwale and Christine Luise Gräfin zu Sayn- ​​Wittgenstein. The two had a son.

  • Heinrich Ernst of Stolberg- Wernigerode (1716-1778) 2 ∞ Christiane Anna of Anhalt- Köthen ( 1726-1790 ), daughter of Augustus of Anhalt- Köthen ( 1697-1755 )