Christian Wilhelm Niedner

Christian Wilhelm Niedner ( born August 9, 1797 in Oberwinkel near Waldenburg ( Saxony); † August 13, 1865 in Berlin) was a German church historian.


Niedner was the son of a Saxon priest. After attending high school he began to study theology in Leipzig. In 1826 he completed his habilitation at the Faculty of Arts, Bachelor of Theology before he was two years later. After the death of his teacher Heinrich Gottlieb Tzschirner he was posthumously in 1829 the first volume of his study "The Case of paganism " out. In the same year he finally became an associate, in 1838 professor of theology at the University of Leipzig. He lectured mainly on churches and history of dogma, but also about the "history of modern philosophy since Kant ." To 1851 he resigned his professorship and moved to Wittenberg. It was not until 1859 he was appointed professor at the Berlin Institute of Church history.

Niedner be classified into the series of mediation theologians.


1846 Niedner published his "History of the Christian Church ", which appeared a year after his death in a revised form with a new title ( "Textbook of Christian church history from the earliest times down to the present "). It is " a bone- dry - informative, comprehensive and skeletal scarce manual with which can work because you do not have to read through it by literary nonsense without exact information itself."

Niedner was 1845-1865 editor of the "Journal of Historical Theology "
