Christiane Charlotte of Nassau-Ottweiler

Christiane Charlotte of Nassau- Ottweiler ( born September 2, 1685 in Ottweiler, † November 6, 1761 in Bad Homburg, Germany ) was a Countess of Nassau- Ottweiler and succession by marriage Countess of Nassau- Saarbrücken and Landgrave of Hesse- Homburg.


Christiane Charlotte was a daughter of Count Friedrich Ludwig of Nassau- Ottweiler (1651-1728) from his first marriage with Countess Christiane von Ahlefeldt ( 1659-1695 ).

She married her first husband on April 22, 1713 in Saarbrücken Count Karl Ludwig von Nassau- Saarbrücken.

Her second marriage, she completed on 17 October 1728 in Saarbrücken with the Landgrave Friedrich III. of Hesse- Homburg. This marriage had come to the mediation of the Landgrave Ernst Ludwig of Hesse -Darmstadt to pass. The marriage with the heiress should consolidate the ailing financial situation of the state of Hesse -Homburg. An imperial debit Commission had found only two silver spoons at court. Friedrich III. expressed doubts to clarify his bride, who demanded an adequate jointure, but the financial situation. Ernst Ludwig Friedrich wrote on it: " Writing brother, write, if you do have is he 's still time. "


From her first marriage Christiane Charlotte had two sons, but died as an infant:

  • Frederick Charles (1718-1719)
  • Karl Ludwig (1720-1721)

Pictures of Christiane Charlotte of Nassau-Ottweiler
