Christianity in Uzbekistan

Christianity in Uzbekistan is by far in the minority in the predominantly Muslim country.

Uzbekistan is a secular state by its own account. At the 2013 World Watch List of Open Doors Uzbekistan is in 16th place


Cornelius Wiebe is bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Uzbekistan, which is a small minority.


Approximately 5% of the country's population are Orthodox, many of them Russians. In Uzbekistan, only the Armenian Apostolic Church and the Russian Orthodox Church of the Orthodox Churches recognized by the state (as of 2008 ). The Russian Orthodox Church in Uzbekistan, which has an archbishop, part of the territory of the Eparchy of Tashkent and Central Asia. It is created in 1871 and also includes Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Kyrgyzstan. In Tashkent and Samarkand there are Russian Orthodox cathedrals. Uzbekistan has 13 Russian Orthodox churches.
