Christoph Ernst Friedrich Weyse

Christoph (er) Ernst Friedrich Weyse ( born March 5, 1774 Altona, † October 8, 1842 in Copenhagen ) was a German - Danish composer.


Weyse studied with Johann Abraham Peter Schulz in Copenhagen. In 1794 he became organist of the Reformed church in the city, since 1805 he worked at the Vor Frue Kirke. In 1819 he was appointed court composer.

Weyses vocal works were known: in addition to numerous musical comedies a Te Deum, a Miserere and cantatas mainly songs by Matthias Claudius, Johann Heinrich Voss and Ludwig Heinrich Christoph Hölty. In addition, he composed seven symphonies and numerous piano works.


  • Sovedrikken (1809 )
  • Faruk (1812 )
  • Ludlam 's hule (1816 )
  • Floribella (1825 )
  • Et eventyr i Rosenborg Have (1827 )
  • Festivals PAA Kenilworth (1836 )