
Gephyrocapsa oceanica

The Chromalveolata are one of the six groups of eukaryotes, ie organisms with cell nuclei that were there according to the classification of eukaryotes by Adl et al 2005. They include mainly various photosynthetically active groups which are commonly referred to as seaweed.


The Chromalveolata have plastids derived from secondary endosymbiosis with a representative of Archaeplastida. That is, they have added a eukaryotic unicellular organisms with plastids as endosymbionts and the primary host reduced so that only the plastid remained. The plastids can secondarily lost again or be reduced in some groups. Some of these species can recover tertiary plastids again.


Et al Adl divided into four groups without the Chromalveolata classic ranks. The Association of Alveolata with the other groups is not very well secured.

  • Cryptophyceae
  • Coralline algae ( Haptophyta )
  • Stramenopile ( Stramenopiles )
  • Alveolata