
The word part - Chromie at the end of a foreign word comes from the ancient Greek noun χρῶμα ( chroma ) = color. The use in various technical terminologies always includes in the scientific and medical variants to be described a change in color by corresponding observed phenomena or specific manipulations. Unlike the uses of - Chromie in photography, music and the visual arts, where the connection with the root word is directed to a particular technique or accepts a figurative meaning.

Word formations

A noun " Chromie " is unlike English " chromism " or French " chromisme " - a collective term for the color changes to be described - in German not in use.

As an adjective, " Chromie " is - modified to " chrome " - in most variants also be used ( eg monochrome).

To a verb, words with the suffixes " - Chromie " generally not converted. " chrome " part - without root word - in a different context of meaning. An exception is " polychromieren " as a verb to " polychrome " dar.

A coinage as doers (as in " -graphy " the geographer ) comes for " Chromie " or " chrome " of the question.


  • Chronochromie = label for music and new music for an artistic conception in painting.
  • Electrochromism = ability of molecules and crystals to change its optical properties by an external electric field.
  • Halochromism = color change of a substance as a function of charge state
  • Heterochromia = in anatomy: hair heterochromia = occurrence of different hair colors in an individual
  • Heterochromia = in anatomy: iris heterochromia = different eye colors in humans and animals by different pigmentation of the irides
  • Heterochromia = in histology = different strong adsorption of dye solutions
  • Hypochromism = designation of erythrocytes with reduced hemoglobin content
  • Monochrome monochrome = in the visual arts, specifically introduced by Yves Klein, who was even patented a monochrome ultramarine blue.
  • Perikyklochromie = influence of the absorption spectrum of the guest molecules in inclusion compounds
  • Photochromism = color change ( reversible) under the influence of light
  • Polychromy = More colors in the visual arts, especially in ancient art (antique polychrome )
  • Solvatochromism = influencing the color of a dye solvent
  • Stereochromie = technology (obsolete ) of the wall painting
  • Thermochromism = color change ( reversible) under the influence of temperature
  • = Trichromatic method of color photography
  • Xanthochromia = medicine ( also Liquorxanthochromie ): discoloration of the cerebrospinal fluid by the penetration of hemoglobin


Use of Chromie as Fantasy proper name without intentional reference to " chroma " can be found in the figure of the gnome " Chromie " computer game WarCraft series. Finding.
