Chronica Gallica of 452

The Chronica Gallica a 452 is designed in the form of annals late antique history, which continued the Chronicle of Jerome. It was edited together with another anonymous Gallic Chronicle of Theodor Mommsen under the name Chronica Gallica in the Monumenta Historica Germaniae (MGH ).

The chronicle begins in the year 379 with the appointment of Theodosius I as co-emperor and ends with the invasion of the Huns of Attila in Italy in the year 452 The presentation focuses on Gaul, the emperors and the popes, events in the eastern part of the empire, see barely mentioned. Significant is the concise statement of the chronicle, Britain was 441 fell to the Anglo-Saxons, which is believed to be accurate because of the proximity in time to the events, and thus usually is one of the rare contemporary sources to the end of Roman Britain.

Usually, it is assumed that the text 452, or immediately after formed. It thus is the oldest preserved Gallic historical work. The Abfassungsort is controversial, usually a place in the Rhône Valley, and perhaps even Marseille is suspected.

The edited in the same MGH band Chronica Gallica a 511 also starts with Theodosius, but covering the period to 511


  • Theodor Mommsen (ed.): Auctores antiquissimi 9: Chronica minora SAEC. IV V VI. VII (I). Berlin 1892, pp. 615-666 ( Monumenta Historica Germaniae, digitized version ) (Text edition: pp. 646ff, in each case the second page [ 648, 650, etc. ]. )
  • Richard Burgess: The Gallic Chronicle of 452: A New Critical Edition with a Brief Introduction. In: Ralph W. Mathisen and Danuta Shanzer (ed.): Society and Culture in Late Antique Gaul. Revisiting the Sources. Aldershot 2001, pp. 52ff.