Church of Bangladesh

The Church of Bangladesh is a member church of the Anglican Communion only from the two dioceses Dhaka and Kushtia.

At its head is as primate a moderator because it forms together with the Church of Pakistan, Church of South India and the Church of North India one of the four united churches of the Anglican. The Church of Bangladesh consists of Presbyterians, Methodists and Anglicans.

The " instruments of unity" Archbishop of Canterbury | Lambeth Conference | Anglican Consultative Council | Primates' Meeting

Churches of the Anglican Communion Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia | Australia | Bangladesh | Bermuda | Brazil | Burundi | England | Falkland Islands | Hong Kong | Indian Ocean | Ireland | Japan | Jerusalem and Middle East | Canada | Kenya | Congo | Korea | Cuba | Melanesia | Mexico | Myanmar | Nigeria | North India | Pakistan | Papua New Guinea | Philippines | Portugal | Rwanda | Scotland | Spain | Sri Lanka | Sudan | South Africa | South India | Southeast Asia | Southern Cone of America | Tanzania | Uganda | West Indies | South Africa | USA | Wales | Central Africa | Central America

Churches in full communion Philippine Independent Church | Mar Thoma Church | Old Catholic Churches of the Union of Utrecht

  • Member church of the Anglican Communion
  • Religion ( Bangladesh)
  • United Church ( Protestant)