Church of Saint Simeon Stylites

36.33388888888936.844166666667Koordinaten: 36 ° 20 '2 " N, 36 ° 50' 39" E

Qal ʿ at Sim ʿ at (Arabic قلعة سمعان, Qal ʿ at Sim ʿ DMG ān ) was an early Byzantine monastery and an important place of pilgrimage in the region of the dead cities in the north of present-day Syria. It was built on the place where Symeon Stylites, the first Christian pillar saints, and 459 had died.

Under Emperor Zeno ( 474-491 ) the procession roads (holy roads) between Antioch and Deir Seman were expanded, the pilgrim city in the plain below the hill on which the monastery Qal ʿ at Sim ʿ at was. The ruins of the Sanctuary is located about 35 kilometers north- west of Aleppo on the road to Afrin.

Pilgrimage center and monastery

Already at Symeon's lifetime searched many Christians on the famous Stylite to get his advice, help and pastoral care. After his death, the place of the effectiveness of Simeon was still sought. A few years after the death of Symeon began with imperial support, the expansion into a magnificent pilgrimage center. The construction period was between 476 and 490 In just 15 years a huge church complex was built: Based on an octagonal main room where stood the once 18-meter- high column of Symeon, extending crosswise in every direction, a three-aisled basilica. In the Ostbasilika (as opposed to the other three apses ) the sacred celebrations were committed.

The pilgrimage center was entered from the south. Through a columned archway at the foot of the ridge, the path to the octagonal Baptistery ( baptistery ) and to the pilgrims' hostels pulled over to the south portal of the main church.

Model for the architecture and architectural decoration was completed by 470 wide arcades Basilica of Qalb Loze. The came with the Simeonskloster to a climax style has been kept at several church buildings in similar or reduced form. The influence reached beyond the basilicas of Deir Turmanin and Deir Seta to the ornamental late forms at the Madrasa al - Hallabiya of Aleppo in the 12th century.
