Church of St. Adalbert, Kraków

The Church of St. Wojciech (Polish Kościół Sw. Wojciecha [' kɔɕtɕuw ɕf ʲ ɛ'tɛgɔ vɔɪ̯'tɕɛxa ] ) is next to the St. Mary's Church is the only church on the main square of Krakow. It is located southeast of the Cloth Hall and is probably the smallest church in the city, and one of the oldest examples of Romanesque architecture in Poland.


The church is dedicated to the patron saint of Poland Adalbert of Prague, who ran the evangelization of Prussia from Krakow. In legends it is reported that he preached to the Prussians, in this church before his departure.

History and Architectural History

The St. Adalbert's Church dates back to a first stone predecessor from the 10th century, which was still pre-Romanesque. However, is said to have been at that point in earlier times a wooden pagan building. In the 11th and 12th century Romanesque church was rebuilt. Romanesque elements have been preserved to our time in masonry and in the form of the south portal. Of course, the stone church was also used for defense purposes; similar to the Romanesque church of St. Andrew, in the Krakow population sought protection in 1241 during the Mongol invasion. The non-matching in the regular structure of the main market position of the Church is due to their early emergence time ago. Because it was built before the scheduled Neuanlegung the city after 1241. 1404, the church was at the instigation of the Cracow bishop Peter II of Wysz University benefice. In 1453, John preached here Capistranus. Got its present shape the Church of St. Wojciech 1611-1618, when it was reorganized under the leadership of the pastor and Walenty Fontana Sebastian Mirosz, generous in the style of the Baroque. It increased the low-rise buildings, added on square main building added round windows and crowned the church with the dome, along with her ​​petite lantern. But the baroque west portal, as well as the plaster go back to this redesign. In addition, the church was in 1711 equipped with a sacristy. This was followed by the Nepomuk chapel, which was dedicated to the Blessed Wincenty Kadłubek, 1781.

Major pieces of equipment are a Gothic crucifix in the rainbow from the 15th century, and a painting of St. Adalbert from the 17th century, which was created by Kasper Kurcz.

In the vaults of the church is a museum that deals with the history of the marketplace (Muzeum Dziejów Rynku ).


On the baroque wooden gallery, which is provided with an elliptical, held in green and gold balustrade, is the organ of St. Adalbert's Church. The organ case is provided in three parts and with two constructions, the housing is adapted to the color design of the gallery. It dates from 1740 and is equipped with modern pipes from 1945, at the same time an electro- pneumatic action was then created. The pipes are in the middle case in a row, in the two " towers " on the other hand mixed in a V- shape arranged.

The eight registers of the organ have the following disposition:

  • Accessories: Tutti.