Cicada 3301

Cicada 3301 is the name by which an unknown organization that published since 2012 multiple complex mystery series, is named in the media. The name is also used for the puzzles themselves competitions.


On January 5, 2012 at the "Random" board " / b / " of the 4chan imageboards was a message posted in English, in which it was announced that highly intelligent individuals were sought. For this purpose, a test was designed. In the picture, which showed the message, another message was hidden. This hidden message leads to the road to the mysterious author. Do not expect the few that should make it all the way. Signed was the message with " 3301 ".

On January 5, 2013, exactly one year after the first appearance to Cicada reported 3301 again, back to 4chan. A second mystery round was started: " Hello again. Our search for intelligent individuals now Continues. "

On January 6, 2014, however, began Round 3, this time on Twitter. A tweet that had been used in the mystery series of 2013 was revived. The text was: " Hello. Epiphany is upon you. Your pilgrimage has begun. Enlightenment awaits. "

The name

Use the Cicada -3301 - messages as a logo the image of a cicada (English: " Cicada " ) and are signed " 3301 ". There is a connection between cicadas and the number 3301: some cicada species have a mating cycle of 13 or 17 years, both primes, and 3301 is a prime number itself.

The puzzles

To solve the puzzle skills in many different areas are needed, including methods of encryption, steganography, the occultism of Aleister Crowley, cyberpunk literature, Anglo-Saxon runes or darknet such as Tor. The solution of a riddle step leads to the next puzzle.

In the first mystery series 2012 endpoint was a page in the Tor network. After an unknown number of subscribers had reached this page, they finally showed the message: " We want the best, not the followers. " In another message a few weeks later it was said: "Hello, we have now found the individuals we sought. Malthus our month- long journey ends. For now. Thank you for your dedication and effort. If you were unable to complete the test, or did not receive an email, do not despair. There will be more opportunities like this one. "

2012 required the participation of Cicada 3301 and the prospect of certain places. At various places scattered around the globe posters had been attached to street lamps, where a QR Code could be seen leading to the next puzzle step.

The author

Author and purpose of the Cicada -3301 - puzzles are not known. The speculations range from a alternate reality game on a marketing campaign to employment tests private, state, or criminal organizations. Are called multiple intelligence as MI6 and CIA.

A few years ago Cicada 3301, the British intelligence service GCHQ had used a similar method to search for suitable employees. Google also put puzzles for personal search on the internet.

To distinguish them from imitators and copycats the Cicada -3301 messages are provided with a PGP signature.
