
Çiftçi is a Turkish male first name and family name.

Origin and Meaning

Çiftçi means farmer. Part of the name is the word " çift " meaning pair. A çiftlik ( " Paartum ", ie farm ) was in the Ottoman Empire, a piece of land that you could manage with a pair of oxen.

Bearers of the name

Family name

  • Nadir Çiftçi (* 1992), Dutch footballer of Turkish descent
  • Serkan Çiftçi (* 1989), Austrian-Turkish football player
  • Uğur Çiftçi (* 1992), the Turkish football player
  • Muhamed Ciftci (born 1973 ), director of a German- Islam School

Artist Name

  • Çiftçi Kardeşler, initially a Turkish Alevi music group; Now the stage name of Ali Cevat Çiftçi ( born 1986 ), Turkish singer