
The Çiftelia, also Çifteli, Çiteli (Albanian ), is an Albanian long-necked lute. The plucking is made of wood, has an elongated shape, and two strings. The strings are often tuned H and E ( fourth). The lower higher tuned string is mainly used for the melody. The Çiftelia originally comes from the Turkish and the Arab world, where they dyzen or karadyzen means.

The name derives from the Turkish word Çifte tel ( "double string " ) meaning " zweisaitig ", which was adopted as Çifte digit in the Albanian language. Çiftetelli denotes various folk dances in Turkey and the Balkans.

The Çiftelia is played especially at weddings and concerts of folk music. It is an integral part of the folk music of northern Albania, Kosovo and Nordwestmazedoniens.
