Cinnamon Bittern

Zimtdommel ( Ixobrychus cinnamomeus )

The Zimtdommel ( Ixobrychus cinnamomeus ) is an Asian relative of the Little Bittern of the heron family.


The Zimtdommel similar to the related Chinadommel in shape and reached a size of about 40 cm. Their plumage is, however, cinnamon color. Females and juveniles may have a faint smudge patterns.


She lives in the southern and southeastern Asia from India and Sri Lanka to Indonesia to China. In their tropical home is a state bird. The populations of northern China are migratory birds. Your preferred habitat are reedy wetlands.


Food of the night-active Zimtdommel are small fish, frogs, mollusks and insects. It breeds in small groups. The nest is made of twigs and grasses and is built in the dense reeds or in shrubs or trees. It is either directly on the ground or up to 1 m above this. Three to five eggs are incubated.
