Cinnamon clownfish

Black -finned anemonefish ( Amphiprion melanopus )

The Black -finned anemonefish ( Amphiprion melanopus ) is a species of the family Pomacentridae. He lives in the coral reefs of northeastern Indonesia, New Guinea, Melanesia, Micronesia, Polynesia and the south-east in the Great Barrier Reef on the north east coast of Australia in water depths ranging from one to 18 meters.

The body and fins of the fish are red, black on the flanks. A wide, white blue horizontal stripe runs directly behind the eye on the head. The dorsal fin has ten hard and 16 to 18 soft rays, the anal fin two hard and 13 to 14 soft rays. Amphiprion melanopus is up to 12 inches long. He has been bred already in the aquarium.

The fish accept three symbiotic anemones as a partner:

  • BTA ( Entacmaea quadricolor )
  • Lederanemone ( Heteractis crispa )
  • Magnificent ( Heteractis magnifica)


  • Dapne G. Fautin, Gerald R. Allen: anemonefish and their hosts. Tetra - Verlag 1994, ISBN 3-89356-171-4