Círculo de Bellas Artes

The Círculo de Bellas Artes (Society of Fine Arts ) is a private cultural institution in Madrid.


Circulo was created in 1880 on the initiative of some artists. Especially in 1900, the institution received by persons such as the Nobel Prize winner Jacinto Benavente and the playwright Carlos Arniches gloss, the young Pablo Picasso took painting lessons here and Ramón María del Valle- Inclan frequented his salon.

1983 came to a de facto foundation. The far more closed elite circle opened to the public. The building of the institution, work of the architect Antonio Palacios, on Calle de Alcalá and Gran Vía is a historical monument since 1981. The Circulo includes more than 1,200 works of art and a valuable archive

Circulo shows exhibitions, organizes lectures, conferences, book gift tions, concerts, stage performances, awards prizes and awards, has a studio theater and even its own radio station.
