Civil registry

A matriculation ( parent roll ) is a public directory.


The term is derived from the Latin matricula ( strain).


  • The Adelsmatrikel is the directory of individuals or families, which was created for the purpose of non-repudiation of aristocratic property (see also Wappenrolle )
  • The Reichsmatrikel was a list of the States of the Holy Roman Empire, where their deputy to the end for the Imperial Army troops were held in exact numbers and / or financial services for the maintenance of the army.

Historically, the meaning goes back to the Metroon in Athens. In this temple the mother of the gods, the Athenian state archive was kept.

The terms of enrollment and deregistration are derived from this.

  • The Universitätsmatrikel is the list of members of a university. These are identified on the basis of matriculation there. Also associations of members of the University may register in the matriculation at many universities. The individual registration as a university associated person meant in the European Middle Ages and the early modern period, the new membership of any other jurisdiction. The oldest surviving parish registers date from the Universities of Bologna ( 1289 ), Heidelberg and Vienna.
  • The Pfarrmatrikel as a church book is a record of all baptisms, marriages and deaths in a parish or a parish. Certificates for Taufmatrikeln from western and southern Europe, there are few since the early Middle Ages. Although the Decree of Gratian ( 1140 ) contains a requirement for Taufmatrikeln, church book-like records until the 15th century become more frequent. Since the Reformation and Council of Trent 's lead Pfarrmatrikeln is mandatory.
  • The lists of members of co-operative groups such as guilds and religious fraternities were also called matriculation. In this case, the entry was the prerequisite for the practice of the profession as the matricola dei Notai del comune in Bologna since the mid-13th century in the matriculation.
  • At times, even the officers were taken in Germany in a matriculation.
  • The registration of a ship is recorded in the ship register.
  • In the Weihematrikeln the ecclesiastical lower ( nichtsakramentale assignments without laying on of hands ) and higher orders ( sacramental deacons, priests and consecration of bishops ) are listed.