Civilista Party

The Partido Civil ( also: Partido Civil Ista ) was a Peruvian party in the second half of the 19th and the first half of the 20th century.

Originally, the Partido Civil was founded as a counter movement to the growing power of the Peruvian military and pursued a single goal the establishment of a civil government in the country. Nevertheless, the party in the first years of its existence was also alliances with the military. During the first year its founder Manuel Pardo succeeded on August 2, 1872, the election for President of Peru.

Economic growth and a certain political stabilization in the 1870s had created the conditions for the creation of the country's first political party. It was also a time of new beginnings for the international trade, commercial and financial relations, of which Peru benefited. Pardo as a member of the educated elite was considered by many Peruvians as a suitable candidate to accompany the country in the new era.

The Partido Civil Ista was made up mostly of newly rich merchants, plantation owners and businessmen, particularly profiteers of the guano boom. The party members held the military as corrupt and unable to govern Peru on.

After Salpeter and a successful revolution, a second time displaced the military from power, the party played a leading role in the reconstruction of the country. They revived their newly against the military and goods export oriented program and thereby secured their support. Most party members belonged to the economic and social upper class in Lima.

Between 1899 and 1920, most Peruvian President Civil Ista - party members and the Partido Civil were the dominant political movement. This time period is referred to as the era of the Aristocratic Republic. The right to vote was subject to strict ownership and educational requirements, and vote-rigging in favor of the Partido Civil were common.

Under the leadership of President Augusto B. Leguía y Salcedo in his second term from 1919 to 1930, the party was forced into political insignificance.

Peruvian President of the Partido Civil

  • Manuel Pardo ( first civilian president of the Peruvian Republic)
  • Mariano Ignacio Prado (military, supported by the Partido Civil 1876-1879
  • Nicolás de Piérola ( member of the Democratic Party, supported by the Partido Civil 1895-1899
  • Eduardo López de Romaña
  • Manuel Candamo
  • Serapio Calderón
  • José Pardo y Barreda

Peruvian president, began their political careers in the Partido Civil
