Clarence Ross

Clarence Ross ( born October 26, 1923 in Oakland, California, † 30 April 2008) was an American bodybuilder.

Ross grew after the divorce of his parents in an orphanage. At the age of 17 he began bodybuilding. After the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, Ross joined the U.S. Air Force, where he remained until shortly after the war in the Pacific. Already in 1945 he won the Mr. America title Amateur Athletic Union. Ross opened a gym in Old Dena, after he had retired in November 1945 from the Air Force. In 1946 he successfully defended his title as Mr. America, and two years later he won the title of Mr. USA. In 1949, he again tried to defend the title Mr. America, but lost the competitor John Grimek. Instead, Ross won the North American championship this year.

In addition to his sports career, Ross worked as a sports official.


Ross was inducted into the Hall of Fame of the IFBB 2002.
