
A cliché of French cliché, " imitation " is a formerly innovative idea, phrase, piece of art or style means that now obsolete, worn or overused appears. The stereotype exists as something mentally or linguistically stereotyped. It is characteristic that the property, which means the cliché, is not one of the properties, which can be an identifiable class, the identical individual elements, but rather is an additional, independent thereof property.


The French word originally referred to the same printing plate, the German word imitation the proof produced therewith.

In Grimm's dictionary the word cliché is not listed yet.

Perimeter of the term

Tangible dictionary of literary clichés are defined as follows:

" [ Clichés ] precreased turns, tapped and worn by all too frequent use of images, expressions, speech and thought patterns that are simply taken thoughtlessly without individual conviction. "

An example of a related to a group of people, positive stereotype: "The Germans are very punctual ." This property is to be rational regardless of the amount of property Germans German, although can not be determined whether this general allocation is correct or not. It is a cliché.

Serves to someone of a cliché, this does not necessarily represent the opinion of the person - it may also have been taken carelessly. Property, which constitutes the printing plate is not necessarily, but often negative in nature. If the property is a negative connotation, the stereotype can be tightened to a prejudice. Not infrequently stereotypes in the form of phrases are enclosed in the vernacular. Many, but not all stereotypes can be therefore regarded as hackneyed phrases that represent ingrained prejudices. An example of a cliched phrase: " Just in time as the masons ."

MH Abrams explicitly points out that not everyone frequently used linguistic expression in principle fit for the stereotype and the stereotype can not therefore be defined by the frequency of a phrase, he calls " I beg your pardon " ("I beg your pardon " ) as an example.

" Mostly, we look not only and then define, we define first and then see. "

In the phraseology manual clichés in language clichés and stereotypes thoughts are divided. Clichés are there referred to as " time-, social and dependent on people ", so are not constant but subject to change. For most definitions it can be concluded that stereotypes can endure only as long as they are needed, are not the things inherent.

Liabilities as of stereotype

The word " stereotype " is often used synonymously with "prejudice " and " stereotype ". Prejudices express a general attitude, stereotypes cognitive mapping. After Quasthoff, the stereotype is exclusively based on (groups of ) a cliché ( Wilpert ) does not. In the medial Reference is also made to wear. Rudi wood Berger sees the stereotype as the successor of stereotypes. A unique assignment and operationalization of linguistic or behavioral level is not possible with cliché as stereotype.
