Clinker (boat building)

The planking is the outer area of an object. In body skin parts are called planking. In wooden shipbuilding is the shell of planks, which is built on the skeleton of keel and frames, and along with this gives the ship's hull, called planking.


In the clinker planks are not edge edge, but attached overlapping. In each case the upper plank overlaps the lower plank ( see figure). The area of ​​overlap is called landing. Here the lower plank must nestled (diagonally angehobelt ) in order to achieve a good bond between the planks and water tightness. To ensure tightness, may a cotton thread between the planks is inserted. The planks are riveted to each other. As frames either bent- joists or solid joists are used, in which a corresponding step-like recess must be provided for each plank.

A further development is the "Closing clinker ", in which the overlapping parts of the planks are processed so that they interlock and thus lie in a plane. The planking is then smooth interior and exterior and is mechanically connected to each other in full length. This design achieves an almost complete impermeability and very high strength of the hull. However, the technique is technically very complex, so that they never sat down in a large scale.


The caravel or even Karweelbauweise ( Middle Low German of Portuguese Caravela ) the planks are fastened edge to edge ( see figure). Characterized the body obtains a smooth surface. Are the planks too short to reach over the whole length of the ship, caused collisions. This must be as far apart are, in order not to weaken the structure of the hull. In order to cover the curvature of the hull uniform, the planks are tapered front and back. To make a kraweelgeplanktes boat waterproof, it must be caulked. Since the movement of the wood enlarge the seams between the planks, kraweelgeplankte boats are easier to leak than the clinker.

The Kraweelbauweise sat on large ships against the clinker ultimately, as the capacity of the overall design is a Carvel higher. The forces are here passed over the seam edges and not just as in the clinker over the pins, rivets or nails. This allows greater torsional forces are absorbed and distributed evenly on the construction. In addition, the smoothness and the speed higher and facilitates cleaning and maintenance. The smoothness clinker would be superior in terms of strength and tightness while, but is considerably more complicated to manufacture.

The Kraweelbauweise originates from the Mediterranean and has been used by the ancient Egyptians and has been preserved in the Mediterranean region over the entire ancient world. In the late Middle Ages, the Portuguese caravel was the most famous ship type in this design and gave the German language area so that the design its name. She came on the trade relations of the Hanseatic League in Northern Europe and was first used in the cogs in the area of ​​the ship's bottom. Known caravels were the escort ships of Christopher Columbus and Peter von Danzig ( 1470 ).

Even in China, the Song Dynasty (960-1279 AD) were ships each with several, sometimes at an angle, one above the other laid Kraweelschichten planked ( Diagonalkraweel ). This leakage problems were almost completely resolved and scored with a low material strength an extreme torsional stiffness. After the Second World War, for example, the German S- Boats Jaguar class were built in this manner. After the development of appropriate adhesives (especially epoxy resins ) originated from the formverleimte design in which several layers of veneer are glued together crosswise to a mold.

  • Boats Element

Pictures of Clinker (boat building)
