
A terminal board, a thin board, which is provided at the upper end with a clamp and is used for recording notes.

Clipboards are always used if no suitable or convenient writing support is available ( such as in lectures or interviews in pedestrian areas. In Surveying they are referred to as field frames. Clipboards are usually slightly larger than the paper size A4. In the clip, a stack of paper be clamped, the board serves as a firm writing surface. Often a pen captive (chain, string ) is mounted and a hand strap for it exists.

Clipboards formerly consisted of wood, but now often made ​​of plastic or cardboard, which is sealed in plastic, the clip is riveted above. Sometimes there is also an additional clip at the left side.

Professional clipboards are made of aluminum and often have an additional paper tray, wrist strap and an illumination.

Pilots use knee boards that can be attached with Velcro on the leg.

Often clipboards are also mounted on the inside of cabinets or other serviceable locations to document maintenance, cleaning or repairs.

The Japanese Kenji Kawakami developed the clipboard to the portable desk on. Equipped with racks, trash, desk lamp and all materials it offers piece business people the opportunity to also go and work in walking. This invention, however, was meant in jest and belongs to the realm of Chindōgus.

Known manufacturers

  • Jakob Maul