Cloeon dipterum

Imago of Cloeon dipterum

Cloeon dipterum is an insect species from the order of the mayflies ( Ephemeroptera).

Features of the larva

The body is brownish- greenish colored with lighter drawings and up to 9 millimeters long. He resembles that of Centroptilum luteolum. The first to sixth pair of tracheal gills is double. Their leaves are rounded and vary in size. The last Tracheenkiemenpaar is simple. The tail filaments have as Siphlonurus on a dark napkin.

Occurrence and life

The species occurs in Europe, North Asia and North America. The larvae live in stagnant and slow flowing waters. They are often found in small ponds. The larvae are fast swimmers and feed on detritus, algae and infusoria.

The female imagos keep resting after mating 10 to 14 days in the vicinity of water on. Within seconds to minutes after the eggs are released into the water by the females, the pre-larvae hatch ( Ovoviviparie ). There are usually two per year, in favorable conditions even three generations. The flight time of the Imagines ranges from May to September.


  • Herbert W. Ludwig: Animals and plants of our waters. BLV Verlagsgesellschaft, Munich 2003, ISBN 3-405-16487-7, p 166