Close encounter

As a close encounter of the third kind (English close encounter of the third kind, short CE -3) denote ufologists the sighting of one or more UFO occupants by a human observer. It is part of a classification by J. Allen Hynek of 1972, which defines four kinds of close encounter with UFOs. Hynek's original scale has been expanded several times in the course of the history of ufology. From the U.S. Air Force reports of close encounters of the third kind were classified as "psychological " cases and not untersucht.Jacques Vallee appears that most of the observed inmates are humanoid creatures that can breathe our air and move without effort on the earth, which against the would talk theory of aliens.

Also in the entertainment industry, the phenomenon has been processed several times, for example in the films Close Encounters of the Third Kind and The fourth kind


Socorro Incident

In 1964, in Socorro, New Mexico, police officer Lonnie Zamora saw a flying object in pursuit of a speeding cars southwest in the sky. He broke off the pursuit and followed instead the object which he saw in a distance of 300m. The object was oval and stood on two supports. He also saw two completely dressed in white men stand that seemed startled by his presence. He drove about 30 feet closer to the object and got out, whereupon the flying object rose with a roar and continued moving very quickly.

Later reported other witnesses who had also seen the vehicle. The well-known skeptic Philip Klass nevertheless came to the conclusion it would be a production in order to boost tourism in the weakly developed Socorro.

Ariel School Encounter

On the morning of September 16, 1994, against 10:15 clock 62 students observed at the age of 8-12 years, the private Ariel Primary School ( Elementary School ) three unusual objects in the sky. According to reports, these were round, metallic and had red flashing lights. They disappeared several times, only to reappear at a different position in the sky. One of the objects would slowly declined after a few minutes down and went behind a clump of trees about 100 meters away from the school building to the ground. The teachers at the school were at this time at a meeting in the building and have dismissed the cries of children as a game.

The students reported that they were running on the alleged landing site. The description of the children is consistent with the main lines: standing or hovering close to the ground a large, round, metallic object in the form of a flying saucer behind the clump of trees. It was a being with the object rose a second from the object. The beings were described as small, dressed in a kind of black jumpsuit, with pale complexion, and large, black, oval eyes and long black hair. The beings had not spoken. Some children said, however, to have received words in which the destruction of the environment is criticized by the human race. Many of the students would get scared and had run back to the school building, where they had informed the teacher. The teachers described the children's behavior as a panic. The object was lifted off again after a short time. As teachers arrived at the point were no signs of the object or its landing to find. In various details about the object's appearance, appearance of beings or the end of the encounter, the statements of the students differed.


  • An initial site survey was conducted on 20 September 1994 by journalist Cynthia Hind. This allowed the students make drawings and led surveys of children, teachers and parents. She comes to the conclusion that the children do not lie, and their statements are consistent for imaginings. The reports are according to Hinds assessment of a real event based.
  • The most famous study was conducted in November 1994 by the psychiatrist John E. Mack. This led to two days of on-site surveys and conducted interviews with 12 students. Mack came to the conclusion that the children " these experiences or describe these events as a person talking about something that happened to her. [ ... ] The whole quality and fashion, as they talk about: It's the way how a person talks about something that has happened to her. "
  • In researching the film documentation Encounter in Ruwa: The Ariel School UFO Sighting of filmmaker Randall Nickerson 2008, many of the students interviewed again on the case. All the witnesses questioned confirmed that they have actually experienced what has been described.


  • Ufology

Pictures of Close encounter
