Clupeacharax anchoveoides

Clupeacharax anchoveoides ( Latin, " Clupea " = sardine, Greek, charax ) is a freshwater fish belonging to the order Characins ( Characiformes ). He comes in tropical South America prior to the current area of the upper Amazon and in the basin of the Río Paraná. The scientific name of the genus and the species epithet was anchoveoides with sardines because of the external similarity of Clupeacharax (Latin: " Clupea " = sardine ) and anchovies awarded.


Clupeacharax anchoveoides is 6.6 to 8 inches long. His body is elongated and has a keel on the belly. The mouth is filled with three to vierspitzigen teeth, premaxilla and dentary are the tooth-bearing bones. The coracoid, a bone in the shoulder girdle is well developed. The anal fin is long, with its front base is located in front of the short dorsal fin.

The life of Clupeacharax anchoveoides is unknown.
