Cnaeus Pompeius Longinus

Gnaeus Pompeius Longinus Cicatricula Pinarius Aemilius, a Roman politician and consul was at the turn of the 1st n the 2nd century AD


He was probably adopted son of Gnaeus Aemilius Pinarius Cicatricula ( Suffektkonsul probably in the year 72) and began his career under the Flavians. The first office which is assigned to him in the ancient literature and inscriptions, was the Governor ( Legatus Augusti pro praetore ) of Judaea under the emperor Domitian, about 85/ 86 to 88 / 89th Apparently he was so successful that Domitian certain it one of the Suffektkonsuln this year for the year 90.

As is customary for former consuls, he was then governor, and still under Domitian of 93/94 bis 96/97 in the province of Moesia Superior ( these are the areas south of the lower Danube and north of the province of Thrace ). Well in direct connection in the year 97 under Nerva he was governor in the province of Pannonia. In the Second Dakerkrieg he apparently took over the reign of Emperor Trajan 105 again a military command, if he is to identify with the Longinus, who was taken prisoner in the Decebalus and is said to have killed himself.
