Co-Dependents Anonymous

Anonymous Co - Dependent ( Eng.: Co - Dependents Anonymous, CoDA ) is a twelve -step program for co- dependent people, or people who derive their self-esteem only out of proportion to other people. The program is based on the Twelve Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous.

CoDA is funded by donations from its members. There are no dues or sponsors or funds from other institutions or bodies. Funds from outside are rejected in order not to run into financial dependencies.

The program

CoDA member can be anyone who wants to improve his relationship with other people. The aim is to have a healthy relationship with yourself and others and to make one's own feelings, regardless of the opinions of others.

Co - Dependent try with CoDA to live their relationships with other people without constraint and stress. Sufferers want to learn to take care of themselves well in order to also deal appropriately with others.

An essential part of the program, the anonymity of the members, no one has his own name or personal information is specify it be done no members or attendance records. Volunteer Contact the among those affected is of course possible.
