Código de Endereçamento Postal

Código de Endereçamento Postal abbreviated CEP, pronounced " ßäpi " is the Brazilian postal code.

It was first introduced 5 digits in May 1971 by the then Brazilian company for postal and telegraph services. In May 1992, it was expanded to 8 digits in the form 54330-355 The first five digits identify regions and their sectors. The last 3 digits are either 000 or usually refer to a road. In this example, the Rua Raul Filho in the cashew tree Seco district in the city Jaboatão dos Guararapes in the state of Pernambuco in northeastern Brazil. In rural areas, where only smaller places occur with few roads, bypasses the identification of individual roads and generally "000 " was used. If the last three digits are greater than 899, so are special addresses.
