
Colchane on the map of Chile

Colchane is a town and a district in the province of Región de Tarapacá Tamarugal in the north of the South American Andean country Chile.

The border town Colchane lies at an altitude of 3,718 meters at the junction of the Bolivian Altiplano to the Chilean Cordillera Occidental on the north bank of the River Isluga, which flows 25 km downstream in the salt lake Salar de Coipasa. East of Colchane on the Bolivian side is the village of Pisiga Bolívar, still on the Chilean side of the river from the village Pisiga Carpa.

For district Colchane include the towns Isluga, Enquelga, Cariquima and Chijo.

Colchane is the Chilean county with the highest poverty rate of the Republic, 34.56 percent of the population live below the poverty line ( Encuesta Casen, 2006).
