
Under collectivism is understood as a system of values ​​and norms in which the welfare of the collective takes the highest priority. The interests of the individual are subordinated to those of the group. The contrast is individualism.

The collective, a class, a nation, a business or any other type of community be. Collectivities tables standard systems require solidarity, or " camaraderie " and " ethnic community " sense of community or love, the latter especially in religious and family collectives.

With phrases such as " common good comes before self " or " property committed " ( such as Article 14 of the German Basic Law ), the interest of the Community brought to that of the individual, which must be kept in mind that the community indeed turn out individuals within the meaning of utilitarianism ( as ) is. Even if individual liberty is subject to the restrictions of the community (especially within the family ), this does not mean that the individual is devalued. Collectivism as a value system is still characterized by high levels of loyalty, responsibility and willingness to help, but also self-control. As of individualism, collectivism also is not a rigid construct, ie only because in a society are predominantly collectivist values, this does not mean that could not be more individualistic values ​​can also be found in it.

Most political systems and ideologies face not one-sided on the side of collectivism or individualism, but have different moderate positions.

As political ideologies of collectivism in particular communism, socialism, nationalism and Nazism, their understanding of collectivity but differs significantly from apply. Religiously, it is primarily monastic communities. If the use of the collective from the individual based on decision of the will, it is called altruism. This also claimed collectivism for itself.

In the analysis of cultural characteristics of the comparison of individualism and collectivism in their expression in countries, businesses, social groups, but also individuals is one of several evaluable, conscious and partly visible dimensions.

Philosophy of Science

As Methodological collectivism a sociological study approach is called, which starts from the assumption that individual behavior can be attributed to influences of society. Then the behavior of social groups not ( completely ) by the behavior of individuals is explained. The Methodological collectivism stands as an investigative approach to the methodological individualism.

Cultural comparisons in psychological research

There are studies in the field of cross-cultural psychology, which refer to individualistic and collectivist cultures. In general, the behavior of subjects from more individualistic and more collectivist cultures are compared. Important research contributions were provided by Nisbett, Kitayama and Markus. Some of her studies as an example:

  • It shows a picture of subjects on which an underwater scene is shown. We see two major and several small fish, also seaweed, etc. The subjects are asked to describe the presentation. Individuals from more collectivist cultures describe mainly the background, the general scene with all the fish - so go more holistic ago. People from Western cultures describe the other hand, in many cases rather one of the very large, the image dominant fish.
  • Subjects are presented a series of pins. However, all pins except one exactly the same in appearance, a pen has a noticeably different color. Select Asians about 65 % of a same-colored pens. Americans will vote in a significantly higher proportion of each different colored pen.
  • The subjects will be presented to a small square recorded. In this square there is a drawn line, which is exactly one-third of the side length of the square long. The people a second, smaller square will now be submitted without contents and they will be asked also to draw a line in this. You will be instructed either to draw in a line that has the same length as the others, or they will draw a line with the same proportions as the other line to the surrounding square. Asians draw the line of accurate, if they are to be based on the proportions. Americans draw the line of accurate, if they are to be based on the length of the line itself.

However, please note that individualism and collectivism are cultural comparison not opposite poles of a single dimension, but two completely independent dimensions; actually correlate individualism and collectivism in cultural comparison is exactly zero.


Critics of collectivism refer to this as a limitation of individual freedom and as a precursor to totalitarianism.
