Comac (youth movement)

Comac is the youth organization of the Belgian Partij van de Arbeid ( PVDF ). She is active in six Belgian universities and many high and secondary schools as well as in some residential areas. Comac is a pan -Belgian youth organization and, unlike many parties and organizations in Belgium, not limited to Flanders or Wallonia. The members of the Comac are 14-30 years old. A member of the PVDF is not absolutely necessary.


In 2003, the Mouvement marxiste leniniste ( MML ) and the Marxist-Leninist Beweging closed (MLB) that were active at the universities, and Rebelle or Rode Jeugd, which were active in the schools, for COMAC together.

The ten combat objectives of Comac

Comac is made up claims to be for the following elements:

  • Free, democratic and quality education
  • Equal political and social rights for everyone - against Rassisme and right - extremist parties
  • Peace and war resisters
  • Healthy and high-quality environment
  • Good communication and a good and free public transport
  • For all universal health care and legal aid
  • Fixed and human labor
  • Defense of democratic rights
  • Accessible, progressive and internationalist culture
  • Socialism


COMAC is to be a term for itself, now to neither of the two national languages, respect and standing in the initial phase of the Association for com ( -munistisch/-muniste en / et ) ac ( -tief/-tive ). That should be the face of the new Youth League.

On his website to COMAC describes today as "active and revolutionary youth movement ... (which ) all young people, students and students who do not accept today's society, " wants to unite. "Young people who do not accept that their future is burdened by an oriented exclusively on profit minority with mortgages who refuse to watch how nature is being destroyed by greed and wars for oil or money. Young people who have a just society want a society that meets the needs of the people and not the profit. Comac aims to bring together all young people who refuse to take the racist, nationalist and fascist logic. "

Comac has to achieve these objectives exchange of views and discussions. Courses, seminars and debates will contribute to " better understand the world." Comac stand but also for actions, rallies, workshops, surprise actions, cultural activities, travel, etc.
This approach, our view on society can be summed up in the slogan CHENGE the world. With a nod to Che Guevara.

Comac refers to himself as the youth wing of Partij van de Arbeid Belgium. On the one hand need the social struggle to change the support of the youth, on the other hand, " it is not only the youth who will transform society. However, you can play an influential role by consistently choosing the side of working people and the exploited peoples. "


In addition to the activities of daily work as rallies, film screenings, workshops, solidarity actions ( for workers, undocumented, etc. ), culture and street festivals every year there are recurring national action and international solidarity trips are organized regularly. In addition, COMAC regularly participates in activities of the parent party PVDF and other progressive organizations.

Peace Camp

Every year invites COMAC at the beginning of the summer holidays its members and sympathizers to a peace camp. This summer camp is organized in collaboration with the Dutch CJB since 2004.

This Is Belgian

Comac organizes every year the weekend Dit Is Belgisch on which it according to its own statement, " wants to get the students out of their ivory towers in order to confront them with the daily reality of working people, with life in the factories and in the people's neighborhoods. " This reality is, according to Comac " nowadays especially hard, where the economic crisis that puts thousands of people on the street or ensures that young people can not find work. " During this weekend participants do not learn by reading books or listening to a professor in the lecture hall, but by itself to visit the working people and listen to their stories, get to know them in their living and working environment.

Karl Marx School

De Karl Marx School is the annual training weekend Comac, on the members and supporters come together to courses, workshops and discussions about News, Marxism, and more.

International Solidarity

How COMAC says, international solidarity is a matter of the heart for it. It already solidarity of youth and students were traveling to Venezuela, Cuba and South Africa as part of the WFDY organized by the World Festival. In May 2011, the chairman of Comac traveled to Spain on behalf of Comac to support the protest movement and to report them at home.
