Commission E

The Commission E is an independent scientific expert committee on herbal medicinal products of the former Federal Health Office (BGA ) and today's Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices ( BfArM) in Germany. This committee advises the Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices usually in the approval of traditional medicines and medicines of special therapy. In the years between 1978 ( the enactment of the Medicines Act ) until 1994 the task of the Commission E has been to desired academic and experiential healing Handsome material and to compose adverse effects of herbal medicinal drugs. From this, the valid today Monographs have been created that serve as the basis for re-registration and re-registration of herbal medicines.

In the interdisciplinary Commission E expert sitting with special knowledge of the scientific or practical phytotherapy. The Commission includes experts in:

  • Pharmaceutical Biology
  • Medicine ( doctors)
  • Naturopathy ( medical practitioners )
  • Pharmacology
  • Toxicology

The members of the Commission E are re- appointed every three years.
