Commit (data management)

Commit is an expression from software engineering, describes the affirmative activation of a change. It is used both in connection with the persistence of data in a database and the inputting of program source code in version control systems.


When Commit is called in databases the successful completion of a transaction. The result of processing steps is stored permanently, usually by the SQL command commit. In contrast, makes a rollback all the individual steps of the transaction reversed and leads the system back to its initial state.

However, transactions are common not only in database systems, but can also be used, for example, with the Message Oriented Middleware. Here, too, speaks at the closing of a transaction by a " commit " or "rollback" ( German: Undo, Cancel ).

Version Management

As a commit or check-in is the process of the import of new or modified source code or other files in the version control system with the use of version control systems. It creates a new version of the software will be made ​​available to other developers participating in the software development.
