Common Grackle

Common Grackle ( Quiscalus quiscula )

  • Quiscalus quiscula quiscula
  • Quiscalus quiscula versicolor
  • Quiscalus quiscula stonei

The Common Grackle ( Quiscalus quiscula ) is a bird, and belongs to the family of blackbirds ( Icteridae ).


Purple Grackeln are widespread ranging from southern Canada east of the Rocky Mountains and inhabit open forests, parks and gardens in the towns, fields and orchards. They are very social birds and congregate also to their roosts in large noisy groups.


They reach a height from 27 to 35 centimeters. Adults Purple Grackeln have a long, powerful black beak, a long tail, long strong legs and claws and bright yellow eyes. When the young birds the eyes are brown. The plumage is black with an iridescent blue to purple shimmer. Which may vary according to subtype. The females are smaller than males and their plumage is not as smooth as in the males. Very characteristic of these birds is the song of the adult birds. This is reminiscent of a aufschwingendes, rusty gate.


The bill of fare is very widely dispersed. Among other things, they feed on nuts and berries, insects, worms and mice. Also, frogs and crayfish, which they catch in the ponds and streams are not scorned. At the coastal areas they wade through the water and catch fish. Occasionally, the chicks and eggs are eaten by smaller birds. During the winter, they often fall into large groups in grain fields, especially in corn fields, and in certain regions in North America become a nuisance. In the parks and gardens in the city, they are also known as cheeky thieves. Among other things, they steal the other birds their food.


Purple Grackeln are colony breeders. The large nests made ​​of twigs, stems and grass and be on a tree, a bush or on a flat building often built near water. In a period of 12 to 14 days, the female incubates five to six eggs. Both parents to participate in the rearing of young birds


  • Quiscalus quiscula quiscula
  • Quiscalus quiscula versicolor
  • Quiscalus quiscula stonei