Communist Party of Réunion

The Parti Communiste réunionnais (PCR, German Communist Party Reunion ) is a company incorporated in France in 1959 communist political party which competes exclusively in the overseas department of Réunion. It is politically and staffed by the Parti Communiste français (PCF, German Communist Party ) independently. The PCR has the status of a people's party in La Réunion. In the last parliamentary elections in 2007, supported by their candidates totaled 25.28 percent and a seat in the French National Assembly; in the European elections in France in 2009, it reached a seat in the European Parliament. In the National Assembly PCR is represented by a Member, which belongs to the group Gauche démocrate et républicaine. In previous legislative sessions, the delegates of the Communist Party of Reunion were a member of the Group radicaux, Citoyens et Verts, the Groupe Communiste or non-attached. Organ of the PCR is the daily newspaper Témoignages.
