Communium Interpretes

The encyclical Communium interpretes dolorum (15 April 1945) by Pope Pius XII. , Shortly before the end of the Second World War, was a "call to prayer for peace in the month of May ."

Pius XII. lamented the great suffering and pain that had been spread over the world. He talks about his hope that the bloody and ugly battles are now coming to an end. He is calling for prayer for peace, and as the month of May was dedicated to the Holy Mother of God, this month, the intercession of the Virgin Mary is also suitable to implore. Humanity calls it on:

"We have to find a true and genuine peace that might end this disastrous and bloody conflict quickly. "

In addition, he also calls for prayer for the prisoners and displaced, the wounded and sick, and asks that they be allowed to return to their families back very soon.
