Compton Castle

Compton Castle is a fortified manor house near the town of Torquay in Devon, southwest adjusted. Owner was from a short break, the family Gilbert; its most famous member was Humphrey Gilbert, founder of the British colony of Newfoundland and half-brother of Sir Walter Raleigh. Since 1951, the property is owned by the National Trust.

Compton Castle was built in three time periods from the 14th to the 16th century and expanded. It is one of the few fortified houses in the UK that were not subsequently changed. Large hall and pantry are from the period around 1350. Chapel, watchtower and kitchen were added in 1370.

The attachment of the house fell in the reign of Henry VIII, as the threat of French invasion was very large. Although the equipped with towers, loopholes, crenellated portcullis, lookouts and a 6 m high perimeter wall building was not impregnable, but could withstand marauding groups of landed on the coast attackers. Compton Castle's location in a lush valley offered additional protection against surprise attacks.

The gardens of Compton Castle is next to a rose garden and a new knot garden. Square, designed as an ornament node beds came on in the Renaissance. Previously herbs and book were combined in Knotenbeet; this type of planting later gave way to the so-called book ground floor. Especially in spring and autumn, many visitors come to Compton Castle in order to enjoy the beauty of the gardens.

1995 Compton Castle has been the setting of the movie Sense and Sensibility directed by Ang Lee.

Courtyard of the Southwest

Old kitchen

Rose Garden
