Computational geometry

As Computational Geometry (English Computational Geometry ) refers to a branch of computer science that deals with the algorithmic solution geometrically formulated problems. A central problem is the storage and processing of geometric data. In contrast to image processing, whose basic elements are dots (pixels ), the computational geometry deals with geometric structural elements such as points, lines, circles, polygons and bodies.

Task areas of computational geometry include:

  • Efficient storage and retrieval of geometric information using databases
  • Problems of analytical geometry (for example, sections of geometric objects )
  • Calculation of contiguous curves and surfaces from point clouds
  • Linear Optimization
  • Search in geometric spaces
  • Segmentation of rooms and sort objects

The methods of computational geometry applied in computer-aided design, in computer graphics and geographic information systems. The most recent application of robotics was added, especially in the planning of movements for robotic systems.
