Computer data storage#Secondary storage

As a secondary storage or " external memory " refers to the data memory of a computer, to can not be accessed directly by the CPU and therefore requires the use of Ein-/Ausgabekanäle the computer.

Secondary memory is used to store data that are not in active use. It is usually slower than primary storage (memory), but also almost always offers a higher storage capacity and is persistent ( non-volatile).

In secondary storage, in which the process underlying technology, broken down:

  • Optical Storage CD, CD -R, CD -RW, DVD, Blu- Ray, HD - DVD, Holographic Memory
  • Hard drives, magnetic tape, floppy disks, ZIP drives,
  • Flash memory (eg USB sticks), RAM disk,
  • Punched tape, punched cards

Almost all of the secondary memory either magnetically or optically. However, a well-known exception is flash memory, as used for example in USB drives or solid- state drives.

Secondary storage is often formatted with a file system, to provide for the organization of files and directories as necessary abstraction layer. This provides the infrastructure to metadata such as the file owner, the file permissions, access times and other information to be stored.

  • Digital storage medium
  • Computer Architecture