Confraternity of the Rosary

The Rosary Confraternity is a founded by the Dominicans in the 15th century community of lay people (lay brotherhood ). Your goal is to deepen the piety broad masses of the people through the Rosary.


The first Rosary Confraternity ( Confratria Psalterii DN Jesus Christ et Mariae Virginis ) was in Flanders, Douai by the Dominican Father Alanus de Rupe (c. 1428 † 1475 ), Alain de la Roche called in 1468, donated, the second in 1475 in Cologne of the Dominican inquisitor Jakob Sprenger (* 1436/38 † 1495 ) and the later Bishop Michael Francisci de Insulis (* 1435 † 1502), also known as Michel François and Michael Franzen. The latter had previously been a member of the Dominican Convent 1461 Saint -Jacques in Paris and in 1465 a member of the Convent of Douai in the course of his studies and in both places students of Rupe.

From Cologne, the first documented and witnessed in the aftermath largest community of its kind, even the Emperor Frederick III. , His wife Eleonora and his son Maximilian I belonged to the Rosary Society spread rapidly through Germany, Holland and Flanders.

Existing Rosary confraternities

  • Rosary Confraternity to the Lord in poverty and undefiled mother received from SiegWigratzbad
  • Rosary Confraternity Aiterhofen
  • Rosary Confraternity Auerbach
  • Rosenkranzbruderschft Eggolsheim
  • Rosary brotherhood of God - help - brotherhood Stade
  • Rosary Confraternity Dasing