
Located in South Carolina, about 107 square kilometers, Congaree National Park is picking the large stock of old hardwood forests in the United States. The lush, growing in a wetland trees are among the tallest forests in the Eastern U.S., forming one of the highest natural roof areas of the world.

The park was established in 1976 and charged on 10 November 2003 to the National Park. It is an important sanctuary for plants and animals and offers the visitor primitive campsites, hiking trails and the possibility of canoeing and bird watching.


Congaree Indians settled, as Hernando de Soto in 1540 in search of gold ran through the region, the area of the present park. The Spaniards gave in 1570 to their last post. 1698 but they were hit by a smallpox epidemic that European settlers had introduced.

Until 1776, the King of England gave land rights, as of this date claimed this is the state that was part of the newly formed United States, 1786 itself was a first ferry across the river. 1839-1841 were built using slave dams in the northwest and southwest of the marsh. Until about 1860 they tried to open up the land for cultivation and grazing. The bald cypress In particular, in this case B, ald called Cypress ', became the target of loggers. 1895 to 1905 acquired the Santee River Cypress Lumber Company, owned by Francis Beidler, a large part of the country. But only where navigable rivers passed, the impact was worth. After about ten years the company has been abandoned in the face of difficult transport conditions and the extreme humidity.

As 1969 timber prices rose sharply and private landowners preconceived plans in the eye, take the logging again, many citizens fought with the support of the Sierra Club against it. In 1974, the area to the National Natural Landmark was raised, in 1976, Congress approved the establishment of Congaree Swamp National Monument. However, Hurricane Hugo in 1989 taught at severe damage, especially among the tallest trees. However, the numerous fallen logs offered new habitats, so that the number of animal species, especially insects, reptiles, birds and bats, but also that of fungi increased greatly.

On June 30, 1983, the Congaree Swamp National Monument was declared a Biosphere Reserve International. In July 2001, it became the world's major bird sanctuary and on 10 November 2003 for the 57th National Park
