
As a connoisseur (Fr. connaître, know ) refers to an expert, especially in the food and in the arts. Thus, the professional tasters and dedicated amateurs are called connoisseurs about the wine scene. But in other areas, such as cigars or coffee, and occasionally in the musical field is talk of a connoisseur, if you want to express that a person has acquired through years of experience and special dedication a delicate flavor and best connoisseurship.

In the visual arts was called mainly from the 19th century, those experts connoisseurs who owed their expertise an intensive study of the art of originals, but their first names mappings ( dating, identifying an artist or a school, etc.) without scientific justification. Their method was rather intuitive and the authority of their testimony was based solely on their connoisseurship (for example, Bernard Berenson, Giovanni Morelli ).
