Consensus forecast

Consensus ( Latin for consensus agreement in doctrinal disputes, and therefore also the title of the relevant records and documents). This includes, inter alia, for the purpose of a union of Augsburg, Czech and Helvetic Confession of the Polish provinces agreed to Sandomierz Consensus Sendomiriensis 1570 ( on the doctrines of the Incarnation of Christ and the Lord's Supper ).

Within the Reformed Church several consensus have been adopted, as follows:

  • The consensus Tigurinus of 1549, which has drawn up by John Calvin in 26 articles on the doctrine of the Lord's Supper, approved by Bullinger, to mediate between the Zwinglian and Calvi niches of doctrine was looking for but never received a great reputation;
  • Consensus has Genevensis ( Consensus pastorum ), which is also written by Calvin in 1552, contains the doctrine of predestination in the strict sense Calvi niches, however, by the other Swiss churches found no official acceptance;
  • The consensus Helveticus ( Formula Concordia Helvetica ), written in 1674 by Johann Heinrich Heidegger and Franz Turretin, professors in Zurich and Geneva, and especially against Moses Amyrauts doctrine of common grace addressed in 26 articles, 1675 and 1676 introduced in Switzerland, but due to brought the opposition, who was, indeed applicable in the Electorate of Brandenburg and in England, even in Switzerland, however, in the beginning of the 18th century back to be symbolic prestige.

Within the Lutheran Church came into being:

  • The consensus Dresdensis 1571, the creed of the Electoral Saxon theologians in the adoption of the Formula of Concord preceding negotiations, and
  • The consensus repetitus fidel vere Lutheranae, the suspended against Georg Calixtus of the Saxon theologians 1655 Association formula, which has but shall not acquire symbolic prestige.